Most Special Mother’s & Father’s day gift!

What exactly should you buy for the person who has done and will do anything in the world for you? Hold off on the typical mother’s day gift (or father’s day gift).

► Instead think special.

Something unique. Something one of a kind – just like your Mom & Dad (Abba & Ima). Something that will put a smile on her face everyday. And don That’s why Isralove’s personalized mugs have been shipped all over the world in 2016, from the United States, to Europe and even Australia, for mother’s and father’s day.


These personalized, bilingual mugs are first and foremost extremely useful. Who doesn’t drink at least one cup of coffee or tea each and every day?!
Personalize a mug for your irreplaceable Mom, Ima, Nana or Savta. Of course, for new dads, Abbas, Poppas or Sabas as well.

Say ‘Thank you!’ in the most personal way, reminding each of your loved ones of that special year they turned into parents or grandparents!
Make the Mother’s day gift (and/or father’s day gift) unforgettable. Even for the Jewish holidays (Passover, Jewish New Year (Rosh HaShana) or any other Simcha) – This Personalized Jewish gift is just as it says – PERSONAL… We all appreciate those special gifts, that show us how much thought has been invested into finding the perfect special something.

To personalize your mug, please send me the following information:

  1. The name of the person in English and Hebrew (or any other second language)
  2. The year the person turned into a parent / grandparent
  3. Please let me know where the mug should be shipped to, and if you wish to add a personal note (If sent directly)

► 20% OFF

If you would like to order a set, please choose 2 as quantity and use the code “MUGSET” during checkout to get a 20% discount on your order!

Ruth Winkler
About me

Founder & designer at Isralove, passionate about typography, Hebrew letters, Israeli art and handmade home decor. Graphic designer since 2008 and amateur photographer.


Jewish Baby Gift Ideas Part ONE(-sie)!
February 01, 2016


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